Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area is a local, non-profit organization. We are supported solely by private and corporate donations.
Your donations make it possible to carry out our mission focusing on family support, education, and awareness. Alzheimer’s Services is not affiliated with any other organizations, allowing 100% of all funds received to remain in the local area to support the 20,000 families in our community affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Services is a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency, Tax ID #72-1082047. Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTE: We have alerted our merchant account vendor that Internet Explorer (browser) does not work well on this page. If you encounter difficulties making a donation, please switch to Chrome or Firefox for the interim. Thanks for your patience and understanding, while this issue is fixed. And thanks for your kind gift of support.

Make a Donation
Donations may be made as memorial contributions, bequests, and special occasion tributes or by sending regular donations on an annual, monthly, or quarterly basis.
- TO DONATE BY CHECK: Make your check or money order payable to Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area and send to 3772 North Blvd., Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806.
Your gift of: Provides:
$25 50 educational brochures for the Resource Library
$50 One month respite credit at Charlie’s Place
$75 The cost of one MedicAlert+SafeReturn Identification enrollment
$100 Outreach program materials for 20 attendees
$250 A copy of The 36-Hour Day to 15 families
$500 Helpline access for one month
$600 One year’s respite assistance to caregivers through the Respite Reimbursement Program
$1000 Six months of the It’s Never 2 Late assistive technology at Charlie’s Place
Gift of Vision: $25,000 per year for 5 years
Gift of Leadership: $10,000 per year for 5 years
Gift of Commitment: Rosemary Society Membership ($5000 at $1000 per year for 5 years)
Gift of Spirit: Multi year pledges that are not Rosemary Pledges; any amount over several years
Gift of Friendship: One time donations
Memorial Donations
If you wish to name Alzheimer’s Services as a donation beneficiary in lieu of flowers on an obituary notice, please use the following text to ensure accuracy and easy processing of donations:
Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area
3772 North Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA
Planned Giving
Your planned gift to Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area will help secure the future of the organization for years to come so those affected, their families, caregivers and professionals seeking advice on caring for those with Alzheimer’s disease can receive cutting edge education, support services, programing and helpline services. To learn more about planned giving, contact Debbie Kidder Little , at, or 225-334-7494.
Sponsor or Donate to an Event or Program
The Annual Education Conference, Walk/Run To Remember, Memories in the Making Luncheon, as well as November Awareness are our four biggest events of the year and each offer sponsorship and in-kind donation opportunities. Looking to support a program instead? We offer several programs from which to choose.
Become a Corporate Partner
Businesses can show their support by donating $5,000 or more per year for a minimum of three years. For more information about the Corporate Partner program, please contact our Development Director at 334-7494 or Contact Us.
Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area launched The Rosemary Society, a major multi-year giving program, in 2002.
The name was selected to reflect the symbolism of Rosemary which is known as the herb of remembrance. Members pledge to donate a minimum of $1,000 per year for five years for a total of $5,000 or more annually. Funds from this multi-year giving society help build a sustainable future for Alzheimer’s Services by ensuring that our programs and services will be provided both today and tomorrow for the many families in our community who are coping with Alzheimer’s disease. Over the years the Rosemary Society has grown through renewals and the addition of new members. Alzheimer’s Services is grateful for all past and present members of the Rosemary Society. We currently have 232 Rosemary donors.
As a member of the Rosemary Society, you would be invited to attend special complimentary social events throughout the year to thank you for your involvement, share successes and challenges, and to gather feedback from you as we greatly value the opinion of our supporters. You would also receive periodic mailings and phone calls with news and updates, exhibiting the organization’s commitment to be good stewards of donor support.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Rosemary Society, making a donation or leaving a legacy gift please contact our Development office at 225-334-7494.
2023 Rosemary Society Members
The Memories in the Making Luncheon is an annual awareness and fundraising event held each Spring. This event secures members of The Rosemary Society, a multi-year giving society which has helped to build a sustainable future for Alzheimer’s Services. It ensures that our programs and services will be here in the future for the many families who are coping with Alzheimer’s disease.
Thirty-Five to Forty Table Hosts invite 10 guests each to attend the luncheon that is held at a local hotel venue. There is no charge to host nor for guests to attend this event. We inspire guests to support our mission by sharing inspirational testimonials, and a video. Often times a Pooled Challenge Gift is offered to those who join the Rosemary Society or renew their current Rosemary pledges doubling the impact of their gifts!
If you are interested in hosting a table at our Memories in the Making luncheon, you may contact the Development Office. 225 334-7494.
Grillin’ in the Garden is an annual appreciation dinner event for The Rosemary Society and Corporate Partners. It is held in the Fall each year at Alzheimer’s Services and Charlie’s Place Activity & Respite Center/Baton Rouge. Guests receive a behind-the-scenes look at Charlie’s Place while enjoying a steak dinner prepared on site.
Privacy Policy
It is the policy of Alzheimer’s Services to maintain a standard of confidentiality to protect the privacy of its volunteers, all people that it serves, and the staff. Therefore,the organization does not provide names, addresses, or telephone numbers of these individuals without their permission. The mailing list of the organization can only be used for organization business and will not be given or sold outside the organization without approval of the board of directors. The mailing list and the organization
records pertaining to volunteers, individuals served, and staff will be maintained and secured in a manner to insure this confidentiality. Personal information revealed by those served by the organization will also be considered confidential. Any such information will not be discussed by volunteers or staff except as part of their assigned responsibilities and will not be discussed outside the organization without permission.
Confidentiality Policy Origination date: August 16, 1994
The organization periodically publishes the names of volunteers and donors as part of recognition for their contributions. Anyone wishing to have their name removed as part of any public recognition, please contact Debbie Little at 225-334-7494.